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Accredited by WASC

Chiwonder  is extremely pleased and proud to announce that Chiwonder  has been granted accreditation by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). The ACS WASC Commissioners have determined Chiwonder meets the Supplementary Education Center/Program accreditation criteria for the following program(s): Language, Math, Online Course Publisher with Instructors. 

Become fluent in Chinese with Chiwonder 

Drawing inspiration from Montessori education and special education principles, ChiWonder is a project-based curriculum designed for Mandarin learning. We focus on helping students achieve Mandarin proficiency through our comprehensive online Mandarin academy.

Why Chiwonder?

Chiwonder's Cutting Edge Mandarin Curriculum 

Our curriculum has been successfully implemented in K-12 schools, colleges, and prestigious Fortune 500 companies, including Qualcomm Inc. and MediaTek, as well as in international businesses across various industries.

Fast path to build up Communication Skills

Presentational skills -focus on Speakinng and Typing

Project Based Curriculum 

Practical & Useful learning material that train students to become global citizens

Aligned to ACTFL Standard

ACTFL is American Council on the Teaching Foreign Languages

Click to know ACTFL

Preschool-2nd Grade

Chiwonder Project 1: Speak Chinese in a Chinese Restaurant 

Click here for samples

3rd Grade-5th Grade

Click Chiwonder Project 2: My Journey in China

Click here for samples 

6th-12th Grade

Learn More

Train students  to From Novice to  Intermediate Mid Level (ACTFL Standard) 

How does Chiwonder online help students to acquire fluency in Chinese?

Chiwonder emphasizes both interpersonal and presentational styles of speaking and writing, training students to think in Chinese and effectively communicate through speaking and writing/typing (phone texting and emails). Our ChiWonder method, utilized in Google Classroom, is specifically designed to foster these essential Mandarin communication skills.

How do students start? And how often should my children to have the class?

Students can take the class 1-3 times/week. We suggest twice a week for each student if interested in achieving the fluency in Mandarin.

Can we buy Chiwonder curriculum only without enrolling Chiwonder academy?

Yes. The online digital curriculum is available for $100/year for Chiwonder project #1, #2 and Chiwonder Level 1-Level 3.

You will get the access to the Google classroom with all Material for the product you purchase.

Chinese Lessons kids will love

Focusing on Presentational & Interpersonal Speaking and Writing/Typing: ChiWonder offers the most effective and trackable curriculum to help your children develop fluency in Mandarin communication (speaking and writing/typing). Our emphasis is on building communication skills, rather than repetitive Chinese character writing or the use of unproductive worksheets.

Customized Instruction: Each small group or individual student receives a customized Google Classroom from ChiWonder.

Trackable Learning Progress & Smart Curriculum Design: We establish clear goals and ensure each lesson has a focused objective for students to achieve. Parents can easily monitor their children's progress in Google Classroom through assessments and recorded reading assignments.

Online Teaching & Tutoring: The ChiWonder Method of Mandarin learning is accessible to every student through our online platform. Our curriculum enables teachers and students to collaborate on the same document, making it highly effective for providing real-time corrections and feedback during the learning process.

For Children aged 2.5-11

For university, professionals of different industries and general interest

Google Classroom as the learning plateform

Awesome online Lessons for Kids

ABout US

Curriculum by Melody.pdf

Curriculum Specialist -Melody Lu

Chiwonder Curriculum created by  Melody

CEO- Joey Liu

Joey has been practicing intellectual property law for 20 years.  As a partner at One LLP, Joey works with a broad range of technology companies, ranging from medical device design to circuit design to software innovation.  

AdvisOr-Taylor Shupe

Co -Founder of Stance Socks
