
 High School Students

If you have learned Mandarin before,

We would like you to take STAMP 4S Mandairn test as our placement test so we can decide your right learning plan.

By partering with Holston Academy, we are able to offer the UC AG list of credit high school Mandarin courses. Currently we have Chinese I,Chinese II, and Chinese III. We will offer Chinese IV, and AP Chinese from the summer of 2023.

We would like suggest our high school students 

Middle school and High School

 We would like to train your children to think, to speak and to type simutenously after graduating our program.

Our instruction focuses are to

Images screenshots from AVANT STAMP Test

Novice Low-Novice Mid

Novice Low-Novice Mid

Intermediate low to Intermediate mid

Intermediate Mid to Intermediate High

Intermediate High to Advanced low