

How to start to learn Chinese?

Have you considered learning Chinese but are afraid, since your friends told you Chinese is hard to learn? Do you want to join the group of people who know the world’s most spoken language, but are daunted by the difficulty of the task? Do you see a good employment or business opportunity that requires an understanding of Chinese, but are not versed in the language? If all of this scares you but you are willing to improve your lot and know how to learn Chinese, we are here to help you.

Many people think that Chinese is hard to learn, but we beg to differ. To us, Chinese is just another language that anyone can master easily with a little perseverance. Here we tell you the 7 best ways to learn Chinese fast, and also share our best tips to help you ace the game.

  1. Choose a book and curriculum that helps you to focus on talking and typing and know how to connect the words into different sentences

Choose a learning material and system that help you learn how the different words are used in a sentence, because merely knowing the words without knowing how to make sentences out of them, is of not much use really. You can start off by making small sentences and talking to yourself in the mirror and even typing them out. A curriculum or learning material that focuses on teaching you how to ask and answer questions. Story types of textbooks will not build you the skills of speaking unless the curriculum sets up the practices or training to get you familiar with sentences of when? who? where? what? why? how?....etc.

How to speak in Chinese?

  1. Use a variety of media. This includes online lessons, children songs, printed books, audio books , video lessons on youtube, paper notebooks and mobile apps. Phone is a great device for you to learn on the go. Still, it is not enough. You will remember the Chinese characters if you write it down a couple times. Many Chinese characters look so similar and complicated. Taking a look at these characters carefully and writing these words on a piece of paper will help you to distinguish the differences of these Chinese characters.

Learn Chinese songs for kids

  1. Do not get overwhelmed by the complexity of writing Chinese characters. Writing Chinese characters should not be the focus of your Chinese learning. There are many claims on the internet telling you understanding 800 Chinese words will enable you to speak Chinese. This is not true. Remembering Chinese characters strokes order and the origins of Chinese characters and related stories will not immediately build up your speaking skills in Chinese.

  1. Connect a PINYIN keyboard to your computer.

How to type Chinese characters?

8 Best ways to learn Chinese

  • Now that you have decided that you need to learn Chinese, it becomes important that you chart out goals clearly. You can set weekly and monthly targets or any other time frame that answers your question- how to learn Chinese. You need to carefully plan what all you need to learn, even if its learning from scratch, and keep aside dedicated hours everyday to help you strive towards your goal.

  • Make it a regular daily routine. Do not set unrealistic goals that you will study 3 hours a day or know 800 words in 3 months. Make it light and fun that keeps you wanting to do it everyday. You can commit at least 20 minutes a day. (1) Use a time management system app to remind you to study. (2) Study on your mobile device during lunch time. (3) Listen to the audiobook while you are driving.

Make Chinese learning plan on Google Calendar. Make a Chinese speaking as your goal in 2021!

  • Make notes of what you've learned. If you do not live in China or other Mandarin speaking environments, it will be hard to retain the Chinese words and phrases.Organize what you have learned weekly. Prepare a piece of paper or open your notebooks, write down what sentences you have learned this week? It will be smart just to write down pinyin or English Phonics to compose these sentences. Remember pinyin or English phonics are the ways to help you pronounce Chinese words. Speaking (making sounds) of Chinese is more important to merely knowing the strokes of Chinese characters.

One thing you can do as soon as practicable is to build a method to keep track of what you understand and learn. Keep what you have learned on

Put your Notes on Google Document

Write Chinese letters, Pinyin and English meaning on a small whiteboard.

  • The golden rule of learning Pinyin is to see Pinyin as a way to help you to type or to text Chinese sentences. Many textbooks or online youtube lessons will introduce you to the complicated rules of Pinyin. My advice is “Skip it”. It will take you 3 months of hard study on the rules of Pinyin. At the end, you still do not see Pinyin when you are in China. Some college students complain to me that “ If I do not see these pinyin in China, then why should I learn these rules?

  • Make it fun and light. Use Pinyin as a tool to help you text Chinese. It will be much more fun. When you learn 你好/ní hǎo/ (nee hao) you should try to type this phrase on your phone. /ní hǎo/ is pinyin and (nee hao) is English phonics. At the beginning stage og Mandarin learning, fluency is more important than perfection. Do not focus on remembering the rules of pinyin or strokes order.

2 best ways to say hi in Chinese

How to say thank you in Chinese

5 Best ways to greet in Chinese

  • Make it fun and light. Use Pinyin as a tool to help you text Chinese. It will be much more fun. When you learn 你好/ní hǎo/ (nee hao) you should try to type this phrase on your phone. /ní hǎo/ is pinyin and (nee hao) is English phonics. At the beginning stage og Mandarin learning, fluency is more important than perfection. Do not focus on remembering the rules of pinyin or strokes order.

2 best ways to say hi in Chinese

How to say thank you in Chinese

5 Best ways to greet in Chinese

  • Creates several notes to plan for small talk in various circumstances. For example, you can prepare 6-10 sentences that you plan to say in Chinese restaurants or grocery stores.

  • Be playful and don't take it seriously while you're practicing with Chinese-speaking people. You'll still get error correction in pronunciation. Your Chinese friends feel flattered when seeing you are learning Chinese.

  • Focus on the speaking and typing first. Don't get upset by the order of the Chinese character's writing strokes. You can list a couple Chinese friends on your Chat app like Wechat or WhatsApp, as soon you learn some Chinese words, you can try to format a sentence and text them. Learn to talk and type Chinese at the same time. When you learn how to pronounce words, please also note the pinyin and write it on your tablet or device.

  • Fluency is much more important than Perfection. Do not pause or quit because you forget how to write Chinese words or Chinese friends keep correcting your pronunciation. Always remember to open your Chinese notebook and remind yourself how much you have learned. It is an amazing progress you can learn to speak and type some Chinese and text to your Chinese friends.

How to learn Chinese super fast?


  1. Chinese verbs do not conjugate which means the verbs do change with the tense. Eat, ate, eaten are the same Chinese character 吃/chī/ (chree)

2. Learn the Chinese sentence rules before you memorize Chinese words.

3 . Three Ways of making Chinese sentences.

Learn Chinese for Kids

Free Mandarin learning resources for children

  1. Learn Chinese songs for kids

  2. Watch Cartoon and learn Chinese